Apple Royal Gala | Malus domestica


Apple Royal Gala is a medium-sized deciduous tree known for its sweet, crisp, and juicy apples with a red-streaked appearance, commonly grown in full sun and well-drained soils.

Light: Apple Royal Gala requires full sun for optimal growth.

Water: Apple Royal Gala trees need moderate watering, especially during the early stages, dry periods, and fruit development.

Soil: Apple Royal Gala trees require well-drained, fertile soil with a pH between 6.0 and 7.0.

Benefits: Apple Royal Gala provides significant nutritional benefits, aids cardiovascular health, and supports local wildlife by attracting pollinators.

  • Pot size: 24cm

  • Approx. plant height: TBA

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Apple Royal Gala is a medium-sized deciduous tree known for its sweet, crisp, and juicy apples with a red-streaked appearance, commonly grown in full sun and well-drained soils.

Light: Apple Royal Gala requires full sun for optimal growth.

Water: Apple Royal Gala trees need moderate watering, especially during the early stages, dry periods, and fruit development.

Soil: Apple Royal Gala trees require well-drained, fertile soil with a pH between 6.0 and 7.0.

Benefits: Apple Royal Gala provides significant nutritional benefits, aids cardiovascular health, and supports local wildlife by attracting pollinators.

  • Pot size: 24cm

  • Approx. plant height: TBA

Apple Royal Gala is a medium-sized deciduous tree known for its sweet, crisp, and juicy apples with a red-streaked appearance, commonly grown in full sun and well-drained soils.

Light: Apple Royal Gala requires full sun for optimal growth.

Water: Apple Royal Gala trees need moderate watering, especially during the early stages, dry periods, and fruit development.

Soil: Apple Royal Gala trees require well-drained, fertile soil with a pH between 6.0 and 7.0.

Benefits: Apple Royal Gala provides significant nutritional benefits, aids cardiovascular health, and supports local wildlife by attracting pollinators.

  • Pot size: 24cm

  • Approx. plant height: TBA

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