Please note that all plants are subject to stock levels and seasonal availability.
If a plant is not available for order online please contact us.

Summer Vegetables

Pots: $3 each or $10 for 4

  • Eggplant (round black, long purple, small purple, etc.)

  • Chilli (birds eye, habanero, medium long)

  • Capsicum

  • Watermelon

  • Honeymelon

  • Rockmelon

  • Tomato (acid free, beefsteak-type, cherry, dark, yellow)

  • Courgettes/Zucchini

  • Beans (various dwarf and runner types)

  • Cucumber (long, pickled, crunchy)

  • Corn

  • Kumi kumi squash

  • Lauki/calabash

  • Luffa

  • Karela/bitter gourd

Year-round Vegetables Seedlings

50c per seedling

  • Lettuce (head, picking, etc.)

  • Cabbage (green, red)

  • Cauliflower

  • Broccoli

  • Broccolini

  • Spinach (perpetual)

  • Leek

  • Pak Choy

  • Silverbeet

  • Kale


Pots: $3 each or $10 for 4

  • Lovage

  • Chamomile (roman)

  • Chervil/French parsley

  • Orange Balm (mint)

  • Basil (Thai, red, genovese, sacred)

  • Coriander

  • Rosemary

  • Thyme

  • Spearmint

  • Oregano

  • Sage

  • Dill

  • Lemongrass

  • Parsley (Italian, common)

Seasonal Flowers*

6-packs: $3 each or $10 for 4

  • Alyssium

  • Poppy

  • Calendula

  • Dahlia

  • Celosia

  • Stock

  • Swan plant

  • Zinnia

  • Petunia

  • Cosmos

  • Marigold

  • Salvia

  • Dianthus/Carnation

  • King Aster

*multiple varieties per flower available

Shrubs & Perennials

Pots: $8-12 each

  • Buxus (Japanese, Korean)

  • Lagerstroemia/crepe myrtle

  • Convolvulus/blue rock bindweed

  • Canna lily (dwarf red, red, white, peach, yellow)

  • Nandina Richmod/sacred bamboo

  • Lavender (French, English)

  • Agapanthus (white, blue, golden drop)

  • Corokia (frosted chocolate)

  • Griselinia (Cantebury)

  • Teucrium fruticans/bush germander

Fruit trees

Pots: $10-$65

  • Olive (El greco, European)

  • Passionfruit (purple)

  • Feijoa (mammoth)

  • Lemon (lemonaide, Meyer)

  • Lime (Tahitian)

  • Apple (Braeburn, royal gala)

  • Plum (Santa rosa, Satsuma)

  • Pear (Doynne du Comice, Beaurr Bosc)

  • Mandarin (Encore)

  • Orange (best seedless, Moro blood orange)


  • Succulents (assorted)

  • Bromeliads (assorted)


Pots: $30-$110

  • Costaricana palm

  • Nikau palm

  • King palm

  • Pygmy date palm

  • Ponytail palm

Indoor plants

Pots: varied price

  • Peperomia (assorted)

  • Begonia

  • Monstera deliciosa

  • Philodendron (silver arrow, Shangrila, Xanadu)

  • Photos/Money plant (assorted)

  • Spider plant

  • Syngonium (assorted)

  • Sanseveria/Mother in laws tongue

  • Peace Lilly

  • Calathea

  • Dracena

  • Hoya (assorted)

  • Rhipsalis

  • Cactus (assorted)